A.H.: After Hijrah (see Hijrah).
‘Aad: Rebellious people of Erum. Community to which Hûd was sent.
‘Aalem: Religious scholar. Plural is ‘Ulema.
Al-Hamdu Lillah: Praise God.
Allah: God.
Allahu Akbar: God is the greatest.
Allat: Idol of pre-Muhammad Arabia; alleged daughter of God.
Arafat: Knoll near Mecca where pilgrims must spend one day of meditation.
Ansaar: Residents of Medina who supported and hosted the believers who immigrated from Mecca (see Hijra).
Ayah: Verse, or sign, or miracle.
Ayaat: Plural of Ayah.
Ayyoub: Job; God’s messenger.
Azan: Call to prayer.
B.H.: Before Hijrah (see Hijrah).
Badr: A place between Mecca and Medina where the first battle between the idol worshipers and the Muslims took place. The Muslims won despite overwhelming odds.
Basmalah: First Verse of the Quran.
Gematria: The ancient practice of assigning numbers to alphabet letters.
Hadith: Utterances attributed falsely to the prophet Muhammad.
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Halal: Lawful.
Haraam Unlawful. Also sacred (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam is the Sacred Mosque of Mecca).
Hijrah: Immigration of Muhammad and the persecuted believers from Mecca to Medina. Beginning of Calendar.
Hijrah Calendar: Lunar calendar starting from the Prophet’s Hijrah. Months are Muharram, Safar, Rabi I, Rabi II, Jumada I, Jumada II, Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Zul- Qi‘dah, and Zul-Hijjah.
Iblis: Satan (see Shaytan).
Imam: Leader. One who leads the prayers.
In Shaa Allah: God willing.
Injeel: Scripture delivered by Jesus. Gospel.
Islam: Arabic word meaning “submission.”
Jannah: Paradise.
Jinns: Invisible creatures. Descendants of Satan.
Jum‘ah: Friday. Friday Prayer.
Ka‘bah: Cubic shaped shrine originally built by Abraham in Mecca. Focal point towards whichsubmitters pray.
Kaafer: Heathen. Disbeliever.
Kitab: Book. Scripture.
Laa Elaaha Ellaa Allah: No other god besides God. Profession of God’s oneness. First pillar of Submission.
Laylat Al-Qadr: Night of destiny.
Maa Shaa Allah: This is God’s will.
Manaat: Idol of ancient Arabia.
Mu’azzin: Caller to the Contact Prayers.
Muhajireen: Immigrants from Mecca to Medina in 1 A.H.
Mulla: Teacher. Imam.
Mu’men: Believer.
Munafeq: Hypocrite.
Mushrik: Idolater.
Muslim: Arabic word meaning “Submitter.”
Nabi: Message-delivering messenger.
Qarun: Hebrew slave driver who enslaved his own people to serve Pharaoh.
Qiblah: Direction submitters face during the Contact Prayers (Salat).
Rak‘ah: One unit of Contact Prayer. Rasool: Messenger (see Nabi).
Sacred Months: Months during which Haj pilgrimage may be observed; Zul- Hijjah, Muharram, Safar, & Rabi I.
Sacred Mosque: Al-Masjid Al-Haraam of Mecca, where the Ka‘aba is located.
Salaam: Greetings. Peace.
Salamun ‘Alaikum: Peace be upon you.
Salat: The five daily Contact Prayers.
Seyam: Fasting.
Shaikh: Old man. Head of tribe. Imam.
Shaytan: Satan, devil.
Shirk: Idolatry. Associating any name with the name of God. Believing that any creatures possesses any power.
Subhan Allah: God be glorified.
Sunna: Practices falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammad and used by the idol worshipers as a source of religious guidance.
Sura: Chapter in the Quran.
Tayammum: The dry ablution (5:6).
‘Ulema: Plural of ‘Aalem. Scholars.
Umrah: Part of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Wudu’: Ablution.
Zakat: Obligatory charity (2.5% of net).