The first verse of Quran, known as “Basmallah”, consists of 19 letters.
Every word in the first verse “Basmallah” occurs in Quran, in multiples of 19.
The first root word “Ism” (Name) of Basmallah occurs exactly 19 times.
The second word “Allah” (God) of Basmallah occurs 2698 (19×142) times. It is interesting to know that the word God is mentioned in verse number 1 of 42 chapters.
The third word “Al-Rahman” (Most Gracious) of Basmallah occurs 57 (19×3) times.
The fourth word “Al Raheem” (Most Merciful) of Basmallah occurs 114 (19×6) times.
The total occurrences of all the four words of “Basmallah” throughout Quran are thus 2888 (19x19x8)
The occurrence of all words of the first verse “Basmalah” in all the verses (numbered + unnumbered) of the initialed chapters comes to 31+1121+66+74 = 1292 (19×68).
There are 1919 verses in Quran which contains any of the four words of “Basmallah”.
The first word “Bism” of the first verse occurs in its peculiar spelling at 3 places. These places divide the Book into three parts and the number of verses in each part is a multiple of 19:
The number of verses from first “Bism” at 1:1 to second at 11:40 is 1520 (19×80).
The number of verses from 11:41 to third “Bism” at 27:29 is 1691 (19×89).
The number of verses from 27:30 to the end of Quran is 3135 (19×165).
Also, adding the count of “Bism” (i.e. 3) to the location where it occurs, gives 114 (19×6), the number of chapters in Quran.
Recall that the word “God” occurs in Quran 2698 (19×142) times. The total occurrence of the name ALLAH (God) in all the verses whose numbers are multiples of 19 (i.e., verses 19, 38, 57…) comes to be 133 (19 x 7).
The total occurrence of the word ALLAH (God) in all the verses whose numbers are NOT multiples of 19 comes to be 117990 (19×6210).
From the First Quranic Initial (2:1) till the Last Quranic Initial (68:1), the word ALLAH (God) appears 2641 (19×139) times. Chapter 68 does not have a single word “ALLAH” (God).
This means that the word ALLAH (God) appears 57 (19 x 3) times outside the section from the First Quranic Initial till the Last Quranic Initial.
The sum of all the verses where the word “God” occurs adds up to 118,123 (19×6217).
The word ALLAH (God) appears in 85 suras. If we add the no. of each sura to the no. of verses between the first and last occurrences of the word “GOD”, the Grand Total comes to 8170 (19 x 430).
The Quran’s dominant message is that There is only “One GOD”. The word “Wahed” in Arabic is used to represent “One”. The number of occurrences of this word, referring to God, occurs exactly 19 times.
The crucial importance of the word “ONE” as the Quran’s basic message is manifested in the fact that the Quran’s common denominator, 19, happens to be the gematrical value of the word “ONE.”
When we add the sura and verse numbers where the Arabic word “wahdahu” (worship God Alone) is found, the total comes to 361 (19×19).
The first verse “Basmallah” is repeated as numbered verse twice at 1:1 & 27:30. This statement divides the book into 2 segments, the occurrences of “Basmallah” words in each of which is a multiple of 19.
The sum of the occurrence of the words of the opening statement (Ism + Allah + Rahman + Raheem) for the first segment equals 9+1814+35+80=1938 (19 x 102).
The sum of the occurrence of the words of the opening statement (Ism + Allah + Rahman + Raheem) for the second segment equals 10+884+22+34=950 (19 x 50).
There are over 400 attributes (names) of God, which when looked upon, discovered that there are only four attributes of God whose gematrical values are multiples of 19. The ONLY attributes of God whose gematrical values are multiples of 19 correspond EXACTLY to the frequencies of occurrences of the “Basmalah” four words.
The first word of the Basmalah, ISM (Name) occurs in the Quran 19 times, and the number 19 represents God’s attribute WAAHED (One).
The second word of the Basmalah, ALLAH (God), occurs in the Quran 2,698 (19×142) times, and 2,698 is the gematrical value of God’s attribute ZUL FADL AL-`AZIM (Possessor of Infinite Grace).
The third word of the Basmalah, AL RAHMAN (Most Gracious), occurs in the Quran 57 (19×3) times, and 57 is the gematrical value of God’s attribute MAJID (Glorious).
The fourth and the last word of the Basmalah, AL RAHEEM (Most Merciful), occurs in the Quran 114 (19×6) times, and the number 114 represents God’s attribute JAAMI (Summoner, Gatherer, Editor).
The famous First Revelation of the Quran (96:1-5) consists of 19 words.
The 19-worded First Revelation consists of 76 (19×4) letters.
The First Revelations are part of Sura 96, first in the Chronological sequence consists of exactly 19 verses.
The First Chronological Sura (Sura 96) is placed atop the last 19 Suras.
Sura 96 consists of 304 (19×16) Arabic Letters.
The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of 19 words.
The first verse of the Last Revelation (110:1) consists of 19 letters.
A total of 30 unique numbers are mentioned throughout the Quran, and the sum of all these numbers is 162146, a multiple of 19 (162146 = 19×8534).
The four words and the 19 letters of the Basmalah, its gematrical values are put together according to a mathematical system which is humanly impossible, and gets destroyed when even a single letter/word is added, deleted or transplanted.
The Sequence Number of each word in the Basmalah followed by the Number of Letters in it gives:
1 3 2 4 3 6 4 6 = 19 x 19 x 36686 (Twice Multiple of 19).
The probability of the above number occurring by chance is 1 in 189,753 (for detail and assumptions, read book “Beyond Probability” by Abdullah Arik)
Replacing the Number of Letters by the Gematrical Value of each word, gives:
1 102 2 66 3 329 4 289 = 19 x 5801401752331
The numbers in Fact (A) and (B) occurring by chance is 189,753 x 189,753 = 36,006,201,009. Thus, the chances of patterns in (A) & (B) is 1 in 36 billion (better chance of winning a California Lottery 1 in 18 billion).
Replacing the Gematrical Value of each word with Gematrical Value of Individual Letter, gives
1 2 60 40 2 1 30 30 5 3 1 30 200 8 40 50 4 1 30 200 8 10 40 = 19 x 6633695422659542…
The numbers in Fact (A), (B), (C) occurring by chance is 189,753×189,753×189,753 = 6,832,284,660,060,777
The above number is close to seven quadrillion! If you are wondering what a quadrillion is, you are not alone. We had to look in the dictionary to find out what follows the trillions. Thus, there is an almost 1 in seven quadrillion probability that (A), (B), (C) will occur by coincidence
Inserting the Sequence Number of Each Individual Letter besides including Word Sequence Number,
1 1 2 2 60 3 40 2 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5 3 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 40 6 50 4 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 10 6 40
= 19 x 590843895848580686595 . . .
Replacing the Gematrical Value of Each Word after Sequence No. in (B) by the Sum of Gematrical Values of First & Last Letter in that word, 1 42 2 6 3 51 4 41 = 19 x 748755339.
Recall “No. of Letters” used in (A) and “Word GV” used in (B). Now, let us writing the Sequence No. of each word followed by the addition of the two, we get 1 105 2 70 3 335 4 295 =19 x 5817212281805.
The Sequence No. of each word followed by the Cumulative No. of Letters up to that word gives,
1 3 2 7 3 13 4 19 = 19 x 69858601
The Sequence No. of each word followed by the Cumulative Gematrical Value up to that word gives,
1 102 2 168 3 497 4 786 = 19 x 58011412367094
The Gematrical Value of Each Letter is followed by its Sequence Number to get,
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 113696858647647 …
Same as (I) except that the Sequence Number of each Word is also added at the end of word,
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 2 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 3 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 4 = 19 x 1136968584963 . . .
Same as (J) except that the Sequence Number of each Word is replaced by its Gematrical Value,
2 1 60 2 40 3 102 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 66 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 329 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 289 = 19 x 113696858432 . . .
Now, change the position of Gematrical Value in (K) from End of Word to Beginning of Word,
102 2 1 60 2 40 3 66 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 329 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 289 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 5379790738 . . .
For each word of the Basmalah, write down the following: a) Number of letters in the word, b) The total gematrical value of the word, c) The gematrical value of each letter in the word. We get,
3 102 2 60 40 4 66 1 30 30 5 6 329 1 30 200 8 40 50 6 289 1 30 200 8 10 40 = 19 x 16327686340 .
Swap the location of Total Gematrical Value in (M) printed in bold at the end of Word. Thus, the number consists of a) Number of letters in the word, b) The gematrical value of each letter in the word, c) The total gematrical value of the word. We get,
3 2 60 40 102 4 1 30 30 5 66 6 1 30 200 8 40 50 329 6 1 30 200 8 10 40 289 = 19 x 17160005390…
Representing each of the four words of Basmalah by the Sequence Number of Letters in it, we get,
123 + 4567 + 8910111213 + 141516171819= 150426287722 (19 x 7917173038)
For example, the first word is represented by 123, since it has the first three letters of the Basmalah. The second word is represented by 4567 since it contains the letters 4, 5, 6, and 7, and so on.
Instead of adding the figures in (O), let us write them down side-by-side including the Sequence Number of each Word, we get,
1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 4 = 19 x 64813512047900 . . .
The Basmalah consists of 4 words, 19 letters with a total gematrical value of 786. Putting these numbers together, we get 4 19 786 = 19 x 22094
The Basmalah is Verse 1 of the Quran. It consists of 19 Arabic letters. These 19 letters constitute the four words with the number of letters in each word being 3, 4, 6, and 6 respectively. Based on this information, let us write down 1 for the verse number, followed by 19 for the number of letters, and followed by 3, 4, 6, and 6 for the letters in each word of the Basmalah. The result is a 7-digit number as follows:
1 19 3466 = 19 x 19 x 19 x 174 (Three Times Multiple of 19)
THE MISSING BASMALAH The “Basmallah” is the opening statement in every one of the 114 chapters in the Quran, except Chapter 9. The absence of the Basmalah from Chapter 9 had puzzled generations of scholars for the last 14 centuries. In fact, many theories were advanced to explain this phenomenon. As it turns out, this is also a part of the mathematical composition that has been intricately built into the Quran. |
Despite conspicuous absence of “Basmallah” from sura 9, “Basmallah” occurs 114 (19×6) times in Quran. |
There are 19 chapters from the missing Basmalah in Chapter 9 to the extra one in Chapter 27 (inclusive). |
The extra Basmalah is found in Chapter 27, verse 30. These two numbers add up to 57 (19×3). |
The number of Arabic words from the first Basmalah in Chapter 27 to the second one in verse 30 of the same chapter is 342 (19 x 18). This is the same number obtained if we add all the chapter numbers from Chapter 9 (with the missing Basmalah) through Chapter 27 (with the extra one). |
The First Chapter AL-FATEHA (The Key) has 7 verses, and starts with “Basmalah” discussed above. It represents a mathematical structure that protects its verses, words or even letters from even a slightest distortion. It represents a structure that will eventually collapse if any element of it is changed.
The Sura No. (i.e., 1), followed by the “Numbers of Verses” next to each other, forms an 8 digit number,
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 19 x 591293
Substituting the “No. of Letters” in place of “Numbers of Verses” in the above case,
1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43 = 19 x 6272169010097
Now, let us also include the “Gematrical Value” of each Verse after “No. of Letters”, we get
1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43 6009 =19 x 630453556901377953901044009530128211
The above number includes all the parameters of sura 1, and consists of 38 digits (19 x 2).
It is noteworthy that this 38-digit number is still divisible by 19 when we write its components backward, from right to left, as practiced by the Arabs. Thus, we get,
6009 43 1072 18 836 19 241 11 618 12 581 17 786 19 1=19 x 3162858459046506275848220066216725589
Let us now include the Sura No. (1), followed by the “Number of Verses” (7), followed by the First Verse (1), followed by the “No. of Letters”, followed by the “Gematrical Value of Every Letter in this Verse”, followed by the Second Verse (2), and so on till the Last Verse. This truly awesome miracle shows that the resulting long number, consisting of 274 digits, is also a multiple of 19.
1 7 1 19 2 60 40 1 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 2 17 …50
When we utter Sura 1, Our Lips Touch Each Other Exactly 19 times
The number of chapters “suras” in the Quran is 114 (19×6).
It is noteworthy that the Last Chapter (sura 114) consists of 6 verses (co-efficient of 19 in above case).
The number of verses in the Quran is 6346 (19×334). Also note that 6+3+4+6=19
The number of verses from the first Quranic Initial (A.L.M. 2:1) to the last initial (N. 68:1) is 5263 (19×277).
When we add the numbers of all suras, plus the number of verse s in every sura, plus the sum of verse numbers, the Grand total for the whole Quran comes to 346199 (19 x 19 x 959).
When we consider only the 29 initialed suras in the above finding, the total comes to be 190133 (19x 10007).
When we consider 85 un-initialed suras in the above finding, the total comes to be 156066 (19×8214).
For all the 114 Suras, write down a) Sura No. b) No. of Verses c) Every Single Verse No. d) Sum of Verse No. The resulting number will consists of 759 digits, and a multiple of 19.
Now, form a combined number for every sura consisting of “Number of Verses” and “Sum of Verse Numbers” side-by-side, and do the addition. The resultant number comes to be 4,859,309,774 (19 x 255753146).
Finally, do the same thing except write down the “Number of Every Verse” instead of the “Number of Verses”, followed by “Sum of Verse Numbers” side-by-side, and do the addition. The total of all these combined numbers is a 757-digit number that is a multiple of 19.
7 1234567 286 12345…286 …5 12345 6 123456
FIRST No: This very long number consists of 12692 digits
(19×668) and includes every verse in the Quran. The number
of verses in each sura precedes its verses. A special
computer program that divides very long numbers has shown
that this long number is a multiple of 19.
1234567 7 12345…286 286 12345 5…123456 6 6234
SECOND No: The number of every verse in every sura is foll
owed by the number of verses per sura. The last 11 digits
shown here are the 6 verses of the last sura, followed by
its number of verses (6), followed by the total number of
numbered verses in the Quran (6234). The complete, very
long number, is a multiple of 19.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 7 12345 … 286 2 286 …123456 114 6 6234
THIRD No: The number of every verse, followed by the sura number,
then the number of verses in the sura. The total number of
numbered verses is added at the end. The long number (12930
digits) is a multiple of 19.
7 1234567 1 286 12345…286 2…6 123456 114 6234
FOURTH No: The total number of verses in each sura is followed
by the number of every verse, then the sura number. The last 14
digits shown above are the number of verses in the last sura
(6), followed by the numbers of the six verses (123456),
followed by the number of the sura (114), then the total number
of numbered verses in the Quran.
1234567 28 12345…284285286 41041…123456 21
FIFTH No: The number of every verse in every sura is followed
by the sum of verse numbers. The long number consists of 12836
digits, and is a multiple of 19.
28 1234567 41041 12345….285286…..21 123456
SIXTH No: Placing the sum of verse numbers ahead of each sura,
instead of after it, produces a long number (12836 digits)
that is also a multiple of 19.
123456 21 12345 15..12345..286 41041 1234567 28
SEVENTH No: Reversing the order of suras starting from the
last sura and ending with the first sura and writing down
the number of every verse, with the sum of verse numbers for
every sura after its verses, the product is a long number
consisting of 12836 digits. This long number is a multiple of
333410 6234 114 1 7 2 286 3 200 .. 113 5 114 6
EIGHTH No: The Grand Sum of verse numbers (333410) is followed
by the total number of numbered verses (6234), the number of
suras (114), then the sura numbers and numbers of verses of
every sura.
333410 6234 114 7 1 286 2 200 3 … 5 113 6 114
NINTH No: Reversing the sequence of sura number and number of
verses still gives us a long number that is a multiple of 19.
28 41041 20100 ….. 15 21 333410
TENTH No: The sums of verse numbers for every sura in the Quran,
are written next to each other, followed at the end by the Grand
Sum of verse numbers (333410). This long number (377 digits) is a multiple of 19.
114 6234 1 28 2 41041 3 20100 …. 113 15 114 21
ELEVENTH No: The number of suras, followed by the total number
of numbered verses, then the number of every sura and its sum
of verse numbers, produce this long number (612 digits) that
is a multiple of 19.
TWELFTH NUMBER If we write down the number of suras (114), followed by the total
number of numbered verses, followed by the Grand Sum of verse numbers
in the whole Quran (333410), followed by the numbers of every sura and
its verses, we end up with a very long number (12712 digits) that is a
multiple of 19.
114 6234 333410 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7…114 1 2 3 4 5 6
6234 7 286 200 176 ….. 127 …. 5 4 5 6 6234
THIRTEENTH No.: Thus, we have a number representing the total no. of verses in the Quran, followed by the number of verses in each sura from sura 1 to the end sura 114, again followed by the total no. of verses in the Quran. This long 235-digit number is a multiple of 19.
FOURTEENTH NUMBER If we write down the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234),
followed by the number of suras (114), followed by the number of
every verse in every sura, then close with the number of numbered
verses in the Quran (6234) and the number of suras (114), the final
number consists of 12479 digits, and is a multiple of 19.
6234 114 1234567 12345…286…123456 6234 114
FIFTEENTH NUMBER Another long number that consists of 12774 digits is formed by
writing down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the
number of every sura added to its number of verses. Sura 1 consists
of 7 verses, and the total 17 is 8. Therefore, the number
representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1234567 8. Since Sura 2 consists
of 286 verses, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this:
12345…286 288. This is done for every sura in the Quran. The final
combined number has 12774 digits, and is a multiple of 19.
1234567 8 12345….286 288 123….123456 120
The frequency of occurrence of “Q” in Sura “Q” (No. 50) is 57 (19×3). |
The letter “Q” occurs in the other Q-initialed sura (No. 42) exactly the same number of times, 57 (19×3). |
The total occurrence of the letter “Q” in the two Q-initialed suras is 114 (19×6), which equals the Number of Suras in the Quran. |
“The Quran” is mentioned in the Quran 57 (19×3) times. |
The description of the Quran as “Majid” (Glorious) is correlated with the frequency of occurrence of the letter “Q” in each of the Q-initialed suras. The word “Majid” has a gematrical value of 57. |
Sura 42 consists of 53 verses, and 42 + 53 is 95 (19×5). |
Sura 50 consists of 45 verses, and 50 + 45 is also 95 (19×5). |
The number of Q’s in all verses numbered “19” throughout the Quran is 76 (19×4). |
NuN (Noon): This initial is unique; it occurs in one sura, 68, and the name of the letter is spelled out as three letters – Noon Wow Noon – in the original text, and is therefore counted as two N’s. The total count of this letter in the N-initialed sura is 133 (19×7). |
S (Saad): This initial prefixes three suras, 7, 19, and 38, and the total occurrence of the letter “S” (Saad) in these three suras is 152 (19×8). |
Y. S. (Ya Seen): These two letters prefix Sura 36. The letter “Y” occurs in this sura 237 times, while the letter “S” (Seen) occurs 48 times. The total of both letters is 285 (19×15). |
H.M. (Ha Mim): Seven suras are prefixed with the letters “H” and “M;” Suras 40 through 46. The total occurrence of these two letters in the seven H.M.-initialed suras is 2147 (19×113). |
`A.S.Q. (`Ayn Seen Qaf): These initials constitute Verse 2 of Sura 42, and the total occurrence of these letters in this sura is 209, or 19×11. |
A.L.M. (Alef Laam Mim): The letters “A,” “L,” and “M” are the most frequently used letters in the Arabic language, and in the same order as we see in the Quranic Initials—“A,” then “L,” then “M.” These letters prefix six suras—2, 3, 29, 30, 31, and 32—and the total occurrence of the three letters in each of the six suras is a multiple of 19 [9899 (19×521), 5662 (19×298), 1672 (19×88), 1254 (19×66), 817 (19×43), and 570 (19×30), respectively]. Thus, the total occurrence of the three letters in the six suras is 19874 (19×1046), |
A.L.R. (Alef Laam Ra): These initials are found in Suras 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. The total occurrences of these letters in these suras: 2489 (19×131), 2489 (19×131), 2375 (19×125), 1197 (19×63), and 912 (19×48). |
A.L.M.R. (Alef Laam Mim Ra): These initials prefix one sura, No. 13, and the total frequency of occurrence of the four letters is 1482, or 19×78. The letter “A” occurs 605 times, “L” occurs 480 times, “M” occurs 260 times, and “R” occurs 137 times. |
A.L.M.S. (Alef Laam Mim Saad): Only one sura is prefixed with these initials, Sura 7, and the letter “A” occurs in this sura 2529 times, “L” occurs 1530 times, “M” occurs 1164 times, and “S” (Saad) occurs 97 times. Thus, the total occurrence of the four letters in this sura is 2529+1530+1164+97 = 5320 (19×280). |
K.H.Y.`A.S. (Kaaf Ha Ya `Ayn Saad): This is the longest set of initials, consisting of five letters, and it occurs in one sura, Sura 19. The letter “K” in Sura 19 occurs 137 times, “H” occurs 175 times, “Y” occurs 343 times, ” `A” occurs 117 times, and “S” (Saad) occurs 26 times. Thus, the total occurrence of the five letters is 137+175+343+117+26 = 798 = 19×42. |
H., T.H. (Ta Ha), T.S. (Ta Seen), & T.S.M. (Ta Seen Mim): An intricate interlocking relationship links these overlapping Quranic Initials to produce a total that is also a multiple of 19. The initial “H.” is found in Suras 19 and 20. The initials “T.H.” prefix Sura 20. The initials “T.S.” are found in Sura 27, while the initials “T.S.M.” prefix its surrounding Suras 26 & 28. The total comes to be 1767 (19×93). |
The interlocking initials “H.,” “T.H.,” “T.S.,” and “T.S.M.” prefix suras describing the miracles of Moses, Jesus, and the uncommon occurrences surrounding Solomon and his jinns. God thus provides stronger evidence to support stronger miracles. |
The word “Day” (yewm) is mentioned in the Quran exactly 365 times. |
The word “Days” (eyyam, yevmeyn) is mentioned in the Quran exactly 30 times. |
All the derivatives of the word “Day” is mentioned 425 (19×25) times. The sun revolves around itself 25 times in a year, and in a period of 19 years (meton cycle – when sun, moon, earth lines up straight), the sun revolves 19×25 times i.e., 425 times |
The word “Year” (sanet, sinin) is mentioned in the Quran exactly 19 times. |
The word “Moon” (Qamar) is mentioned in the Quran exactly 27 times. It is noteworthy that the moon’s ecliptic cycle takes 27 days. |
The word “A Month” is mentioned in the Quran exactly 12 times. |
The Land-Sea Ratio: The word sea (bahr) is used 32 times in the Quran. The word bahr is used both for the sea and other waters like lakes and rivers. The word land (barr, yabas) is used 13 times. If we calculate the ratio of 32 to 45 (32, the count of sea + 13, the count of land = 45), the result is 71.111%. You may look up in any encyclopedia in the world and see that the sea covers 71% of the earth whereas the land covers 29% of it.
What is the number of the sura Honey-bee (nahl) : 16How many verses does the sura Honey-bee have? : 128 (16*8) |
The number of chromosomes of the male honey-bee : 16
The number of chromosomes of the female honey-bee : 32 (16*2)
The number of occurrences of the word “World” and “Hereafter” is same: 115
The number of occurrences of the word “Sabbath” is 7, and this is the no. of days from Sabbath to the next.
God says in the Quran that the example of Jesus as far as God is concerned is the same as that of Adam. The word “Adam” and “Jesus” are mentioned in the Quran, exactly the same number of times: 25.
HM Initialled Suras, A Great Miracle within the Miracle
The number of occurrences of the Arabic letters “H” & “M” are shown. These letters are used as initials in about 7 suras (or chapters) from sura 40 to sura 46.
You can note from the above table that if we add the digits of the “No. of occurrences of letters H & M” in all the suras from 40 to 46, we get a sum as 113. Recall that the total of occurrences of H & M in all the H.M. initialled sura is 2147 (19×113). See table above.
The initial letters ‘A.S.Q. appears in the second verse of sura 42 after H.M. in the first verse. This divides the group into 2 parts. The first part consists of all the suras from sura 40 to sura 42 and the second part consists of all the suras from sura 43 to sura 46. As you will be surprised to know that both in the first part and the second part, if we add the digits of the counts of H & M, we get a sum which is the co-efficient of 19 if we add the counts of H & M in that sura. To make it more clear, let us consider this,

In the first part shown above, the sum of the occurrence of the letters H & M Is 64+380+48+276+53+300=1121 (19×59). Also, if you just add the digits of the no. of occurrences of letters H & M in that sura, it will be 59.
Similarly, in the second part also, the sum of the digits of H & M count is 54.
Also, the no. of occurrences of letters H & M in sura 43 to 46 is 1026 (19×54).
In the previous case, we had divided the H M initialled sura group into 2 parts – the first part consists of suras before 42 including it, and the second part consists of suras after 42.
Now, let us divide the sura-group into 2 parts around the axis of sura 42. The first part consists of sura 41, 42, 43 and the second part consists of the remaining suras 40,44,45,46.
Praise God, in this case also, the sum of digits of H & M equals the co-efficient of 19 in the total sum of occurrences of H & M, in each individual group.
The data is given in the following table. You can verify that the sum of H & M in the mentioned sura of first group if 1045 (19×55). The co-efficient 55 in this case is also equal to the sum of individual digits of H & M
Similarly, the phenomenon works for the second group.

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